January 07, 2016 14:43

appdownloadThe great thing about still life photography is that the creative content is right there in front of you. There are far less variables and you have complete control over the situation, including the subject. But to make this type of photography “pop”, you need to be extremely creative in order to capture it in an interesting and engaging way.

Still life aerial brings a bird’s eye view to everyday objects. It fills the photo with an overview of its subject.  Plus, it’s all the rage with food-related photography! We give you some of our best tips to capturing this trending angle shot.


Tip #1: Your tripod is your best friend

With a planned setup, a tripod will allow to be more stylistic with your angling. For example, you can use longer shutter speeds than usual to ensure a small aperture allowing the image to be in focus front to back. Just be careful, it quickly gets forgotten that your camera has been in the same position for the whole shoot.  Be sure to vary the angles and heights at which you are shooting.

Photo by Robert Hamm

Tip #2: Get up close and personal

You’ll want to vary the composition of the subject matter through the shoot and think outside the box - think about where you want to viewer to focus.  Is it better to utilize negative space or might it work to try and fill the frame? Engage with the subject, what are its defining features? Are you able to put it into context or does it work as a stand alone subject?

Photo by Bening Art

Tip #3: Lighting Matters!

Remember that you have full control over the shoot!  Using standard lamps can work extremely well if used effectively. Try multiple positioning set ups, not all light has to come from the front of the object, side and back lighting will add interest, shadows and depth to the shot. When shooting from a bird’s eye view, be careful not to cast any shadows by taking photos above your set (including light placements).

Photo by Rima Hutabarat

What are your favorite photography techniques? Do you have any still life aerial photography tips to share? Leave a comment below OR chat with us Twitter or Facebook!

Feature photo by Nicho Herwanto

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