- Submissions 1 August to 24 August
- Winners announced 25 August
- Pengajuan tgl. 1 Agustus - 24 Agustus
- Pemenang diumumkan tgl. 25 Agustus
- Angie Quach, Member of CoinaPhoto Team
- Chris Grayson, Senior Account Executive of Wolfstar London PR Team (providing an agency perspective on great stock photography)
JURI/KRITERIA Juri adalah berasal dari tim tamu dan juri CoinaPhoto. Kami akan menilai subjek, fokus, komposisi dan orisinalitas keseluruhan berdasarkan tema: Indonesia Bagus. Kami suka kreativitas! Foto tidak harus foto yang sebelumnya telah memenangkan penghargaan di salah satu kontes fotografi kami sebelumnya. Fotografer dapat memenangkan lebih dari satu kontes CoinaPhoto tapi tidak bisa memenangkan kontes secara berturut-turut.
- Angie Quach, Anggota Tim CoinaPhoto
- Chris Grayson, Akuntan Eksekutif Senior dari Tim PR London Wolfstar (memberikan perspektif agensi pada fotografi modal besar)
- Grand Prize Winner: Judges‘ Choice- $500 Amazon voucher for photography equipment and be featured in our upcoming social media campaign (Your names and photo will be showcased to thousands on our Facebook and Twitter pages)
- 1st Runner Up: $300 Amazon voucher for photography equipment
- 2nd Runner Up: $200 Amazon voucher for photography equipment
- Pemenang Hadiah Utama: Pilihan Juri - $500 voucher Amazon untuk peralatan fotografi dan akan ditampilkan dalam kampanye media sosial kami yang akan datang (nama dan foto Anda akan dipamerkan kepada ribuan orang di halaman Facebook dan Twitter kami)
- Runner Up 1: $300 voucher Amazon untuk peralatan fotografi
- Runner Up 2: $200 voucher Amazon untuk peralatan fotografi
- Sign up/Log in to CoinaPhoto
- Click on the ‘Upload’ icon on the top of the screen
- Go to ‘Add Market’ and follow the upload photo process
- Choose ‘Grand Indonesia’ in Category drop down
- Submit your photos
- Once your photo is approved, it will be visible in the ‘Market’ section of the website in the ‘Grand Indonesia’ category
- Daftar/Login ke CoinaPhoto.com
- Klik pada ikon ‘Upload’ di bagian atas layar
- Pergi ke “Tambahkan Market” dan lanjutkan proses upload foto
- Pilih “Grand Indonesia” pada Kategori
- Kirim foto Anda
- Setelah foto Anda disetujui, maka akan terlihat di bagian “Market” dari website dalam kategori “Grand Indonesia”
*Feature Photo by CoinaPhoto user Dani Daniar
* Foto Fitur oleh CoinaPhoto pengguna Dani Daniar
Good luck to all our contestants! Remember, you don’t just take a photograph, you tell a story!
Semoga beruntung kepada semua kontestan kami! Ingat, Anda bukan hanya sekedar mengambil foto, tetapi Anda menceritakan sebuah kisah!
CoinaPhoto User: Edo Johanes Sihombing
Photo: Sharpshooter
Judge’s Feedback: “This photograph is magnificent as it’s obviously taken right in the middle of the action. You can see that the photographer has not stopped the subjects to pose, he has simply shot at the right time. I think this photograph is very interesting to those who are not from Indonesia as it gives you a look at their tribal customs and traditions.” -Chris Grayson, Senior Account Executive of Wolfstar London PR Team
CoinaPhoto User: Ed Nofri
Photo: Age is not a barrier to keep working
Judge’s Feedback: “The content of this photo is great. This photo of a traditional elderly Indonesian woman sewing an Indonesian flag symbolizes her deep roots in the country. The subject also has a haunting gaze. Strong control of light for this photo as well.” -Angela Quach, CoinaPhoto Team Member
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