October 16, 2015 09:30

appdownloadAs the World’s Digital Photo Market, we help our community of talented and creative photographers sell their photos through our Market. We want you to earn money doing what you love! But here are a few tips and tricks that you can do to help your photos stand out even more.



Add Keywords Add appropriate keywords that will help people find your photo.  When searching for photos in our Market, users are typing in keywords to find what they are looking for. As you upload a photo, add as many relevant keywords as you can, this will help increase the chances of your photography being discovered.

Size Matters! High resolution photos available in 3 sizes (S=0-5 MP,  M=5-10 MP, L=10+ MP) rank higher in our search engine and are preferred photos in our “CoinAPhoto Recommended” filter.

“I really enjoy CoinaPhoto! I meet new people and see photos that provide me with inspiration.” -Lisa Shalom, US



A few tips for selling your photos on CoinaPhoto: Add Keywords, Verify all 3 sizes and share your photos via your social media!

Make Friends Follow other CoinaPhoto users, you never know who is looking! We connect you to a global community of photographers and our users are buzzing about each other. So don’t be shy! What better way to find inspiration or the story behind a photograph than to speak directly to the photographer himself/herself?

“CoinaPhoto gives such great joy to think that somebody out there thought my photo was worth buying.  It gives a sense of accomplishment … and puts one squarely on Cloud Number 9.  Besides the adrenaline rush of having sold a photo, my intention, always, is to also share the beauty of nature with everyone out there.  Again, appreciation has many rewards.” -Andries Alberts, Namibia

Share with Others We stay connected. Share your photo link on your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Also, people in your network can buy your photo instantly with our social media share links.

“I like this platform very much. Now, I can showcase my images to the world and provides a platform for selling images… icing on the cake!” -Nishant Bhaskar, India

Are there any other tips you want to share to selling your photos on CoinaPhoto?  Leave a comment below OR chat with us Twitter or Facebook!  

*Feature photo by Sandi Norpi Yanto





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